Resource Calendar Tutorials

The resource calendar web component displays multiple resources side-by-side (as columns). You can use it in web applications that implement many scheduling workflow scenarios, such as planning shifts (to display employees or locations as columns), reservations of appointments (for car mechanics, hairdressers, doctors), booking shared resources (conference rooms, cars, machines or other tools).

There is an open-source version of the resource calendar that is free to use. The packages for vanilla JavaScript and major frameworks (Angular, React, and Vue) are available at The open-source version supports many helpful features:

  • drag and drop moving and resizing of events

  • styling using CSS themes

  • customization of individual events (text, HTML, colors, CSS classes, drag and drop support)

  • loading resource and event data directly from a remote URL in JSON format

  • easy internationalization (translate date names and specify custom date formatting patterns)

  • modal dialog for editing event details

The Pro version of the resource calendar (DayPilot Pro for JavaScript) includes advanced features (see the feature matrix), such as:

  • support for large datasets

  • progressive rendering of events and grid cells during scrolling

  • a hierarchy of columns that lets you organize the the resources in groups or display multiple days for each resource

  • columns that can be resized and rearranged using drag and drop

  • the resources can be filtered using specified criteria (text, location, etc.)

  • you can export the calendar view to JPEG, PNG, PDF or print it

  • add icons and context menus to resources and events

  • support for touch devices

  • all-day events that can serve as a queue of events that are not scheduled for an exact time yet

JavaScript Resource-Scheduling Calendar: Full-Screen Layout
JavaScript Resource-Scheduling Calendar: Full-Screen Layout
Use the 100% height mode of the calendar to avoid duplicate vertical scrollbars and keep headers fixed.
Workforce Scheduling in ASP.NET Core: Queue, Drag-and-Drop Resource Allocation, and Task Checklists
Workforce Scheduling in ASP.NET Core: Queue, Drag-and-Drop Resource Allocation, and Task Checklists
How to build an ASP.NET Core application for visual workforce scheduling. Integrate a queue of unscheduled orders and a scheduling calendar that displays staff as columns.
Next.js Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open-Source)
Next.js Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open-Source)
This Next.js app uses a resource-scheduling calendar UI to let you manage tasks for multiple resources side by side. Each column displays a 24-hour timeline for a different resource.
Vue Scheduler with Vertical Timeline
Vue Scheduler with Vertical Timeline
How to use the Vue Calendar component to create a scheduler UI with a vertical timeline and resources displayed as columns. Configure advanced features, such as responsive layout, column groups, and content customization using Vue templates.
ASP.NET Core Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open-Source)
ASP.NET Core Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open-Source)
How to create a resource-scheduling calendar in ASP.NET Core that displays resources as columns. Add more UI features, such as free/busy highlighting, next/previous date-changing buttons and a modal dialog for editing event details.
Angular Resource Calendar (Open-Source)
Angular Resource Calendar (Open-Source)
Angular application that shows how to create a resource calendar Angular component that displays event data in multiple columns. The resource calendar supports drag and drop out of the box.
JavaScript Resource Calendar Tutorial - PHP/MySQL (Open-Source)
JavaScript Resource Calendar Tutorial - PHP/MySQL (Open-Source)
How to use HTML5/JavaScript resource calendar component to create a dynamic schedule. The calendar loads data (resources and events) using a REST API that is implemented using PHP and MySQL.
React Scheduler with a Vertical Timeline
React Scheduler with a Vertical Timeline
How to create dynamic calendars and schedulers with a vertical timeline, customizable time cells, and resource display in React.
React Resource Calendar with Editable Columns (Open-Source)
React Resource Calendar with Editable Columns (Open-Source)
How to use the open-source React resource calendar component to create a scheduling application for multiple groups of resources (locations, people, tools). Add a date picker and next/previous buttons that let users change the visible date.
Spring Boot Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open Source)
Spring Boot Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open Source)
A Spring Boot application that uses a visual resource-scheduling calendar to display plans for multiple resources side by side.
Vue Resource Calendar (Open-Source)
Vue Resource Calendar (Open-Source)
Use the Vue calendar component to display an interactive schedule for multiple resources.
JavaScript Calendar: Reorder and Resize Columns using Drag and Drop
JavaScript Calendar: Reorder and Resize Columns using Drag and Drop
Learn how to enable drag and drop column reordering and resizing for the JavaScript resource calendar component.
React Resource Calendar
React Resource Calendar
How to use the column hierarchy feature of the React calendar to display events for many resources. The groups and resources are displayed as columns and the time slots are displayed as rows.
JavaScript Resource Calendar: Column Filtering
JavaScript Resource Calendar: Column Filtering
How to implement mult-criteria column filtering in JavaScript resource calendar component. Filter the resource columns by text and category.
ASP.NET MVC 5 Resource Calendar Quick Start Project
ASP.NET MVC 5 Resource Calendar Quick Start Project
Visual Studio project with a minimum configuration of ASP.NET MVC 5 Resource Calendar.
Articles 1-15 of 15