Spring Boot Scheduling Tutorials

The following tutorials show how to use Spring Boot framework to create a Java web scheduling application.

The projects use JPA for database persistence. The schema is defined using JPA annotations in the domain classes. The projects use H2 in-memory database to minimize external dependencies. A new database instance is created and initialized automatically on startup.

When using Spring Boot to create a web API that works with date and time values, it’s necessary to handle a few quirks which are described at the end of the Angular Scheduler UI with Spring Boot Backend (Java) tutorial.

Monthly Calendar in Spring Boot/Java (Open-Source)
Monthly Calendar in Spring Boot/Java (Open-Source)
Spring Boot web application that displays a monthly calendar with drag and drop support. Implemented using JavaScript monthly calendar control from DayPilot package.
Using JavaScript/HTML5 Scheduler in Spring Boot (Java)
Using JavaScript/HTML5 Scheduler in Spring Boot (Java)
Source code of a Spring Boot web application that uses HTML5/JavaScript scheduler to display events for multiple resources.
Angular Scheduler UI with Spring Boot Backend (Java)
Angular Scheduler UI with Spring Boot Backend (Java)
Angular project that shows how to create Scheduler UI using DayPilot Pro for Angular. Includes a backend REST/JSON application implemented using Spring Boot (Java).
Spring Boot Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open Source)
Spring Boot Resource-Scheduling Calendar (Open Source)
A Spring Boot application that uses a visual resource-scheduling calendar to display plans for multiple resources side by side.
Tutorial: Machine/Production Job Scheduling Web Application (Spring/Java)
Tutorial: Machine/Production Job Scheduling Web Application (Spring/Java)
Tutorial with source code - a web application for scheduling dependent machine/production jobs, implemented in Spring Boot (Java).
Weekly Event Calendar in Spring Boot/Java (Open-Source)
Weekly Event Calendar in Spring Boot/Java (Open-Source)
Create a Spring Boot scheduling application with a weekly HTML5/JavaScript calendar component.
Using JavaScript/HTML5 Gantt Chart in Spring Boot (Java)
Using JavaScript/HTML5 Gantt Chart in Spring Boot (Java)
Spring Boot application for project management that uses DayPilot Pro to display a Gantt chart.
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