HTML5 scheduler with drag and drop support. It displays a timeline for multiple resources grouped by category. PHP project with REST API backend and MySQL/SQLite storage is available for download.
HTML5/JavaScript Gantt chart control that lets you display a timeline for a hierarchy of tasks and milestones. Task dependencies, drag and drop support, inline task creating, custom CSS themes. Sample PHP/MySQL project available for download.
How to use HTML5/JavaScript resource calendar component to create a dynamic schedule. The calendar loads data (resources and events) using a REST API that is implemented using PHP and MySQL.
How to enable on-demand event loading in the Vue Scheduler component. The Scheduler will load events for the current viewport. Additional data will be loaded during scrolling.
Interactive event calendar for JavaScript/HMTL5 with support for drag and drop operations. Full calendar CSS styling support. Includes a sample PHP backend with SQL database.