JavaScript Date Picker

The JavaScript Date Picker component lets you choose a date visually using a mini calendar. The following tutorials show how to integrate the date picker with the JavaScript and Angular scheduling and calendar components.

JavaScript Calendar: Blocking Selected Dates
JavaScript Calendar: Blocking Selected Dates
Block access to past dates in the JavaScript Calendar component. Past dates are not accessible using the date picker and drag and drop operations are disabled.
Open-Source HTML5/JavaScript Calendar with Day/Week/Month Views (PHP, MySQL)
Open-Source HTML5/JavaScript Calendar with Day/Week/Month Views (PHP, MySQL)
HTML5/JavaScript event calendar with day, week, and month views and integrated date navigator. Includes a sample PHP backend with MySQL database.
Angular Scheduler: Integration with a Date Picker
Angular Scheduler: Integration with a Date Picker
Angular 14 application that uses DayPilot Navigator component as a date picker for the Scheduler.
React Calendar with Date Picker (Open-Source)
React Calendar with Date Picker (Open-Source)
How to use a popup date picker to select a date displayed by the React Calendar component.
Vue Date Picker with Free/Busy Highlighting (Open-Source)
Vue Date Picker with Free/Busy Highlighting (Open-Source)
Use the Vue date picker component (Navigator) to change the current date. The date picker can highlight dates that already have events or are not available.
Angular Date Picker with Drag & Drop Range Selection (Open-Source)
Angular Date Picker with Drag & Drop Range Selection (Open-Source)
How to activate the free-hand date range selection mode in the Angular date picker component (Navigator).
Angular Calendar: Date Switching
Angular Calendar: Date Switching
How to integrate Angular 13 event calendar component with a date picker and navigation buttons for changing the visible week.
JavaScript Scheduler: How to Integrate a Date Picker
JavaScript Scheduler: How to Integrate a Date Picker
How to link the JavaScript Scheduler component to a date picker that can change the visible date.
Articles 1-8 of 8