Scheduler Task Queue Tutorials

The following tutorials explain how you can integrate a task queue with the main calendar/scheduler component, using technologies like vanilla JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue. The task queue can help with advanced scheduling scenarios:

  1. Task queue as a part of the workflow. Incoming tasks are added to the queue where they are waiting to be scheduled.

  2. Task queue storing items that are on hold. Tasks that cannot be scheduled at the moment can be stored in a queue, where they wait for additional information/state changes.

  3. Task queue as a clipboard for tasks that need rescheduling. You can use the queue to hold tasks that are pending an update.

  4. Buffer for overloaded schedules: The task queue can act as a buffer for tasks when the main scheduler is overloaded, allowing for a more balanced and manageable distribution of tasks over time.

  5. Prioritization of tasks: It can be used to prioritize tasks, allowing users to organize and rearrange tasks based on urgency or importance before adding them to the main schedule.

  6. Temporary storage during conflict resolution: In cases where there are conflicts in the schedule, the task queue can serve as a temporary holding area for tasks while conflicts are being resolved.

Each tutorial explains how to create the task queue component UI, integrate it into the page layout, load task data, style the items, attach additional UI controls (such as a context menu), handle drag and drop moving of tasks between the main scheduler grid and the queue and other common scenarios needed for implementing task/project management applications.

JavaScript Scheduler: Daily Task Queue
JavaScript Scheduler: Daily Task Queue
How to create a queue of tasks scheduled for a specific day. The exact time of day and resource can be assigned using drag and drop in the next step.
Angular Work Order Scheduling (PHP/MySQL)
Angular Work Order Scheduling (PHP/MySQL)
Angular web application that lets you assign and schedule work orders using drag and drop. Built using DayPilot Scheduler Angular component. Includes a REST backend implemented in PHP/MySQL
Angular Scheduler: Drag and Drop Task Queue
Angular Scheduler: Drag and Drop Task Queue
How to implement an ordered queue of unscheduled tasks that can be dragged to the Angular Scheduler component.
Vue Scheduler: Queue of  Unscheduled Tasks
Vue Scheduler: Queue of Unscheduled Tasks
How to display a queue of unscheduled tasks that can be dragged to the Vue Scheduler component.
JavaScript Scheduler: How to Unschedule Events
JavaScript Scheduler: How to Unschedule Events
When removing events from the scheduler, it is possible to remove them completely or to move them to a queue of unscheduled tasks or a row with unassigned events (while keeping the scheduled time).
PHP Work Order Scheduler (JavaScript/HTML5 and MySQL)
PHP Work Order Scheduler (JavaScript/HTML5 and MySQL)
This tutorial shows how to create a PHP application that will let users manage and schedule work orders using a visual interface implemented using JavaScript/HTML5.
Articles 1-6 of 6