Work Order Scheduling Tutorials

Here, you'll find a list of tutorials about building your own Work Order Scheduling Systems. We've got something for everyone, whether you're into ASP.NET Core, PHP, React, or Angular. These guides will show you how to create everything from drag-and-drop features to database-backed back-ends. Ready to dive in? Choose your favorite tutorial and start building!

The tutorials cover the construction of the user interface, the integration of a queue for unscheduled work orders, and the implementation of drag-and-drop scheduling features. Other user interface tasks covered include creating a histogram to show team member availability and assigning tasks to employees. In addition, these guides provide detailed instructions on creating a database schema and establishing an API to persist data using either MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server.

Angular Work Order Scheduling (PHP/MySQL)
Angular Work Order Scheduling (PHP/MySQL)
Angular web application that lets you assign and schedule work orders using drag and drop. Built using DayPilot Scheduler Angular component. Includes a REST backend implemented in PHP/MySQL
ASP.NET Core Work Order Scheduling (JavaScript, C#, Entity Framework, .NET 8)
ASP.NET Core Work Order Scheduling (JavaScript, C#, Entity Framework, .NET 8)
ASP.NET Core application with drag and drop UI that lets you assign and schedule work orders. Includes a queue of unscheduled tasks, graphical team availability/utilization, context menu with additional actions, dialog for editing work order details.
PHP Work Order Scheduler (JavaScript/HTML5 and MySQL)
PHP Work Order Scheduler (JavaScript/HTML5 and MySQL)
This tutorial shows how to create a PHP application that will let users manage and schedule work orders using a visual interface implemented using JavaScript/HTML5.
React Work Order Planning System (PHP/MySQL)
React Work Order Planning System (PHP/MySQL)
React application that will let you assign queued work orders to a specific employee and time slot. Includes a PHP backend with MySQL storage.
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