10 Reservation Web App Tutorials

The following tutorials explain how to create a visual reservation application using the JavaScript Scheduler component. These tutorials cover hotel room reservations, restaurant table bookings, and sports facility reservations.

The focus of these tutorials is on crafting the user interface, which comprises a scheduling grid. Resources (like apartments, cabins, tables, conference rooms, tennis courts, etc.) are displayed on the vertical axis, while the timeline is shown on the horizontal axis. The granularity of the timeline depends on specific requirements: days for accommodations and hours for related amenities.

Reservations can be created and updated via drag and drop. These reservations display details such as price, customer contact information, and more directly in the UI. Additionally, color coding is used to indicate the reservation status.

Each tutorial comes with a downloadable project containing its source code. You can use these projects to experiment with the Scheduler's features. They can also serve as a starting point for implementing your own application.

ASP.NET Core Restaurant Table Reservation (Tutorial)
ASP.NET Core Restaurant Table Reservation (Tutorial)
Learn how to use the visual Scheduler component to build a restaurant table reservation application in ASP.NET Core. Create an intuitive UI that makes it easy to assign reservation requests to available tables.
Vue Scheduler: Build a Reservation Application in 5 Minutes
Vue Scheduler: Build a Reservation Application in 5 Minutes
Vue.js application for scheduling resource reservations. Built using a customizable Scheduler UI component - flexible timeline, drag and drop support.
Angular Restaurant Table Reservation (PHP/MySQL)
Angular Restaurant Table Reservation (PHP/MySQL)
Angular application that lets you manage restaurant table reservations. Includes a PHP/MySQL backend.
PHP Hotel Room Booking System (JavaScript/HTML5, MySQL)
PHP Hotel Room Booking System (JavaScript/HTML5, MySQL)
A tutorial that shows how to create a PHP reservation system for hotel rooms with JavaScript/HTML5 frontend. The user interface includes a visual scheduling calendar with drag and drop support. MySQL and SQLite databases.
Tutorial: ASP.NET Core Hotel Room Booking App
Tutorial: ASP.NET Core Hotel Room Booking App
Learn how to build an ASP.NET Core-based hotel room booking management application featuring a drag-and-drop interface, filter functionality, integration with SQL Server and Entity Framework, all visualized using a JavaScript Scheduler component.
ASP.NET Hotel Room Booking Tutorial (C#, VB, SQL Server)
ASP.NET Hotel Room Booking Tutorial (C#, VB, SQL Server)
ASP.NET web application for managing hotel room reservations using drag and drop. Includes sample code in C# and VB. SQL Server database.
PHP Tennis Court Reservation (HTML5/JavaScript Frontend, MySQL Database)
PHP Tennis Court Reservation (HTML5/JavaScript Frontend, MySQL Database)
Simple web application that displays tennis court availability and lets the users create a reservation using drag and drop. Includes a PHP project with sample MySQL/SQLite database.
PHP Restaurant Table Reservation Application (HTML5/JavaScript Frontend)
PHP Restaurant Table Reservation Application (HTML5/JavaScript Frontend)
PHP application that lets you record restaurant table reservations and find a free table using a visual user interface. With MySQL database storage.
Restaurant Table Reservation Tutorial (ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET)
Restaurant Table Reservation Tutorial (ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET)
ASP.NET web application project for managing restaurant table reservations. Finds a free table using a fast filter. Highlights conflicting reservations.
AngularJS Hotel Room Booking Tutorial
AngularJS Hotel Room Booking Tutorial
How to create an AngularJS hotel room booking application using AngularJS scheduler plugin. Includes PHP backend (SQLite, MySQL).
Articles 1-10 of 10