This tutorial shows how to use DayPilot ASP.NET Scheduler to build a hotel room booking application. It's an ASP.NET web application with support for room status (clean, dirty, cleanup), reservation status (new, confirmed, arrive, checked-out, expired). It supports drag and drop reservation creation and moving, modal dialog for editing reservation details (name, dates, status, etc.).

There is an ASP.NET Core version of this tutorial available:

Tutorial License

Licensed for testing and evaluation purposes. You can use the source code of the tutorial if you are a licensed user of DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms.

Hotel Reservation Features

  • The room reservation phase is indicated by a special bar color (orange for new reservations, green for confirmed ones, etc.)

  • The reservation application shows the status for each room (dirty, cleanup, ready)

  • Additional rules restrict the reservation updates according to the business logic (overlapping reservations are forbidden, editing past reservations is disabled)

  • The available rooms can be filtered by room size/type

  • The room reservation details can be edited using a modal dialog

  • The results of user actions (reservation updates, moving, etc.) are notified using the integrated message bar


  • .NET Framework 4.0 or higher

  • Visual Studio 2019 or higher

  • SQL Server 2017 or higher (LocalDB)

Hotel Reservation Database Setup

The hotel reservation application stores the reservation data in an SQL Server (2017+) database. The connection string is defined in web.config and it uses LocalDB interface to access the database file (daypilot.mdf). The database file is included in the project and you can find it in App_Data folder.

The SQL Server database contains two tables:

  • Room

  • Reservation

The [Reservation] table stores the room reservation data. Each record includes a reservation id, the assigned room id, start and end dates. It also stores additional details about the reservation: name of the guest, how much of the price has been paid, and the reservation status:

CREATE TABLE [Reservation](
	[ReservationId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[RoomId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[ReservationName] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
	[ReservationPaid] [int] NOT NULL,
	[ReservationStatus] [int] NOT NULL,
	[ReservationStart] [datetime] NOT NULL,
	[ReservationEnd] [datetime] NOT NULL

The [Room] table stores the room details. It specifies the room name (number), internal id, room size and status/availability.

	[RoomId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[RoomName] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
	[RoomStatus] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL,
	[RoomSize] [int] NOT NULL

Hotel Room Details and Status hotel room booking tutorial sql server room status

The ASP.NET Scheduler control allows displaying custom resource on the left side (on the vertical axis). In our hotel room booking application, we will use the vertical axis to display the rooms.

In order to display additional information about the room, we define custom row header columns:

      <DayPilot:RowHeaderColumn Title="Room" Width="80" />
      <DayPilot:RowHeaderColumn Title="Size" Width="80" />
      <DayPilot:RowHeaderColumn Title="Status" Width="80" />

Now we can load the room data (resources) from the SQL Server database. We will use the traditional SqlDataAdapter class to fill a DataTable. The DataTable instance will be assigned to DayPilotScheduler.DataSource property so the Scheduler can use it to load the row data.


private void LoadResources()

  // filtering explained below
  string roomFilter = "0";
  if (DayPilotScheduler1.ClientState["filter"] != null)
      roomFilter = (string) DayPilotScheduler1.ClientState["filter"]["room"];

  SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT [RoomId], [RoomName], [RoomStatus], [RoomSize] FROM [Room] WHERE RoomSize = @beds or @beds = '0'", ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["daypilot"].ConnectionString);
  da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("beds", roomFilter);
  DataTable dt = new DataTable();

  foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
      string name = (string)r["RoomName"];
      string id = Convert.ToString(r["RoomId"]);
      string status = (string)r["RoomStatus"];
      int beds = Convert.ToInt32(r["RoomSize"]);
      string bedsFormatted = (beds == 1) ? "1 bed" : String.Format("{0} beds", beds);

      Resource res = new Resource(name, id);
      res.DataItem = r;
      res.Columns.Add(new ResourceColumn(bedsFormatted));
      res.Columns.Add(new ResourceColumn(status));



Private Sub LoadResources()

  ' room filtering will be explained below
  Dim roomFilter As String = "0"
  If DayPilotScheduler1.ClientState("filter") IsNot Nothing Then
    roomFilter = CStr(DayPilotScheduler1.ClientState("filter")("room"))
  End If

  Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT [RoomId], [RoomName], [RoomStatus], [RoomSize] FROM [Room] WHERE RoomSize = @beds or @beds = '0'", ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("daypilot").ConnectionString)
  da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("beds", roomFilter)
  Dim dt As New DataTable()

  For Each r As DataRow In dt.Rows
    Dim name As String = CStr(r("RoomName"))
          Dim id_Renamed As String = Convert.ToString(r("RoomId"))
    Dim status As String = CStr(r("RoomStatus"))
    Dim beds As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(r("RoomSize"))
    Dim bedsFormatted As String = If(beds = 1, "1 bed", String.Format("{0} beds", beds))

    Dim res As New Resource(name, id_Renamed)
    res.DataItem = r
    res.Columns.Add(New ResourceColumn(bedsFormatted))
    res.Columns.Add(New ResourceColumn(status))

  Next r

End Sub

The hotel rooms can have a custom status (Ready, Cleanup, Dirty) which is stored in the database. We will use BeforeResHeaderRender event to add a custom color bar to the room status column to provide a visual hint. The color bar will be defined using a CSS class that will be added to the row cells in the browser:


protected void DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeResHeaderRender(object sender, BeforeResHeaderRenderEventArgs e)
  string status = (string)e.DataItem["RoomStatus"];
  switch (status)
      case "Dirty":
          e.CssClass = "status_dirty";
      case "Cleanup":
          e.CssClass = "status_cleanup";


Protected Sub DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeResHeaderRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As BeforeResHeaderRenderEventArgs)
  Dim status As String = CStr(e.DataItem("RoomStatus"))
  Select Case status
    Case "Dirty"
      e.CssClass = "status_dirty"
    Case "Cleanup"
      e.CssClass = "status_cleanup"
  End Select
End Sub

The custom CSS classes extend the default CSS theme (scheduler_default):

.scheduler_default_rowheader .scheduler_default_rowheader_inner 
    border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
    background: White;
.scheduler_default_rowheadercol2 .scheduler_default_rowheader_inner 
    top: 2px;
    bottom: 2px;
    left: 2px;
    background-color: transparent;
    border-left: 5px solid #1a9d13; /* green */
    border-right: 0px none;
.status_dirty.scheduler_default_rowheadercol2 .scheduler_default_rowheader_inner
    border-left: 5px solid #ea3624; /* red */
.status_cleanup.scheduler_default_rowheadercol2 .scheduler_default_rowheader_inner
    border-left: 5px solid #f9ba25; /* orange */

Highlighting Today in the Scheduler Grid

We will use a separator to insert a red vertical line highlighting the current time. hotel room booking tutorial sql server highlight today


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  DayPilotScheduler1.Separators.Add(DateTime.Today, Color.Red);


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
  DayPilotScheduler1.Separators.Add(Date.Today, Color.Red)
End Sub

Duration Bar Colors Indicating the Reservation Phase

In our hotel reservation application, we will use five reservation phases:

  • New reservation (unconfirmed)

  • Confirmed reservation

  • Arrived (the guest has checked in)

  • Checked out

  • Problem

Each phase will use a specific DurationBar color.

New Reservation (Orange) hotel room booking tutorial sql server reservation new

Confirmed Reservation (Green) hotel room booking tutorial sql server reservation confirmed

Arrived (Blue) hotel room booking tutorial sql server reservation arrived

Checked Out (Gray) hotel room booking tutorial sql server reservation checked out

Problem (Red) hotel room booking tutorial sql server reservation problem

The Red color is used for reservation with a problem:

  • New reservations not confirmed 2 days before the start day

  • Confirmed reservations not checked in before 6 p.m. on the start day

  • Stays not checked out before 10 a.m. on the end day

The color is assigned using BeforeEventRender event handler.

  • Note that the ReservationStatus database field is used to determine the phase

  • The status is loaded into the Tag collection using DataTagFields="status" declaration

  • In the event handlers, it's available as e.Tag["status"] in the event handler


protected void DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Scheduler.BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e)
  e.Html = String.Format("{0} ({1:d} - {2:d})", e.Text, e.Start, e.End);
  int status = Convert.ToInt32(e.Tag["ReservationStatus"]);
  switch (status)
      case 0: // new
          if (e.Start < DateTime.Today.AddDays(2)) // must be confirmed two day in advance
              e.DurationBarColor = "red"; 
              e.ToolTip = "Expired (not confirmed in time)";
              e.DurationBarColor = "orange";
              e.ToolTip = "New";
      case 1:  // confirmed
          if (e.Start < DateTime.Today || (e.Start == DateTime.Today && DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours > 18))  // must arrive before 6 pm
              e.DurationBarColor = "#f41616";  // red
              e.ToolTip = "Late arrival";
              e.DurationBarColor = "green";
              e.ToolTip = "Confirmed";
      case 2: // arrived
          if (e.End < DateTime.Today || (e.End == DateTime.Today && DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours > 11))  // must checkout before 10 am
              e.DurationBarColor = "#f41616"; // red
              e.ToolTip = "Late checkout";
              e.DurationBarColor = "#1691f4";  // blue
              e.ToolTip = "Arrived";
      case 3: // checked out
          e.DurationBarColor = "gray";
          e.ToolTip = "Checked out";
          throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected status.");


Protected Sub DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeEventRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Scheduler.BeforeEventRenderEventArgs)
  e.Html = String.Format("{0} ({1:d} - {2:d})", e.Text, e.Start, e.End)
  Dim status As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.Tag("ReservationStatus"))

  Select Case status
    Case 0 ' new
      If e.Start < Date.Today.AddDays(2) Then ' must be confirmed two day in advance
        e.DurationBarColor = "red"
        e.ToolTip = "Expired (not confirmed in time)"
        e.DurationBarColor = "orange"
        e.ToolTip = "New"
      End If
    Case 1 ' confirmed
      If e.Start < Date.Today OrElse (e.Start = Date.Today AndAlso Date.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours > 18) Then ' must arrive before 6 pm
        e.DurationBarColor = "#f41616" ' red
        e.ToolTip = "Late arrival"
        e.DurationBarColor = "green"
        e.ToolTip = "Confirmed"
      End If
    Case 2 ' arrived
      If e.End < Date.Today OrElse (e.End = Date.Today AndAlso Date.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours > 11) Then ' must checkout before 10 am
        e.DurationBarColor = "#f41616" ' red
        e.ToolTip = "Late checkout"
        e.DurationBarColor = "#1691f4" ' blue
        e.ToolTip = "Arrived"
      End If
    Case 3 ' checked out
      e.DurationBarColor = "gray"
      e.ToolTip = "Checked out"
    Case Else
      Throw New ArgumentException("Unexpected status.")
  End Select
End Sub

Rules for Changing Room Reservations hotel room booking tutorial sql server reservation change

The booking logic imposes some restrictions. We will implement the following rules:

  • No room can’t be booked for two guests at the same time (no overlap allowed).

  • The reservations that already checked in can't be moved to another room.

  • The start of reservations that already checked in can't be changed.

  • The end of reservations that already checked out can't be changed.

The Scheduler handles the drag&drop user actions (move and resize) using EventMove and EventResize event handlers.

EventMove Event Handler


protected void DayPilotScheduler1_EventMove(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventMoveEventArgs e)
  string id = e.Value;
  DateTime start = e.NewStart;
  DateTime end = e.NewEnd;
  string resource = e.NewResource;

  string message = null;

  if (!dbIsFree(id, start, end, resource))
      message = "The reservation cannot overlap with an existing reservation.";
  else if (e.OldEnd <= DateTime.Today)
      message = "This reservation cannot be changed anymore.";
  else if (e.OldStart < DateTime.Today)
      if (e.OldResource != e.NewResource)
          message = "The room cannot be changed anymore.";
          message = "The reservation start cannot be changed anymore.";
  else if (e.NewStart < DateTime.Today)
      message = "The reservation cannot be moved to the past.";
      dbUpdateEvent(id, start, end, resource);
      //message = "Reservation moved.";

  DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = dbGetEvents(DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate, DayPilotScheduler1.Days);


Protected Sub DayPilotScheduler1_EventMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventMoveEventArgs)
      Dim id_Renamed As String = e.Value
  Dim start As Date = e.NewStart
  Dim [end] As Date = e.NewEnd
  Dim resource As String = e.NewResource

  Dim message As String = Nothing

  If Not dbIsFree(id_Renamed, start, [end], resource) Then
    message = "The reservation cannot overlap with an existing reservation."
  ElseIf e.OldEnd <= Date.Today Then
    message = "This reservation cannot be changed anymore."
  ElseIf e.OldStart < Date.Today Then
    If e.OldResource <> e.NewResource Then
      message = "The room cannot be changed anymore."
      message = "The reservation start cannot be changed anymore."
    End If
  ElseIf e.NewStart < Date.Today Then
    message = "The reservation cannot be moved to the past."
    dbUpdateEvent(id_Renamed, start, [end], resource)
    'message = "Reservation moved.";
  End If

  DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = dbGetEvents(DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate, DayPilotScheduler1.Days)
End Sub

EventResize Event Handler


protected void DayPilotScheduler1_EventResize(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventResizeEventArgs e)
  string id = e.Value;
  DateTime start = e.NewStart;
  DateTime end = e.NewEnd;
  string resource = e.Resource;

  string message = null;

  if (!dbIsFree(id, start, end, resource))
      message = "The reservation cannot overlap with an existing reservation.";
  else if (e.OldEnd <= DateTime.Today)
      message = "This reservation cannot be changed anymore.";
  else if (e.OldStart != e.NewStart)
      if (e.OldStart < DateTime.Today)
         message = "The reservation start cannot be changed anymore.";
      else if (e.NewStart < DateTime.Today)
          message = "The reservation cannot be moved to the past.";
      dbUpdateEvent(id, start, end, resource);
      //message = "Reservation updated.";

  DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = dbGetEvents(DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate, DayPilotScheduler1.Days);


Protected Sub DayPilotScheduler1_EventResize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventResizeEventArgs)
      Dim id_Renamed As String = e.Value
  Dim start As Date = e.NewStart
  Dim [end] As Date = e.NewEnd
  Dim resource As String = e.Resource

  Dim message As String = Nothing

  If Not dbIsFree(id_Renamed, start, [end], resource) Then
    message = "The reservation cannot overlap with an existing reservation."
  ElseIf e.OldEnd <= Date.Today Then
    message = "This reservation cannot be changed anymore."
  ElseIf e.OldStart <> e.NewStart Then
    If e.OldStart < Date.Today Then
       message = "The reservation start cannot be changed anymore."
    ElseIf e.NewStart < Date.Today Then
      message = "The reservation cannot be moved to the past."
    End If
    dbUpdateEvent(id_Renamed, start, [end], resource)
    'message = "Reservation updated.";
  End If

  DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = dbGetEvents(DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate, DayPilotScheduler1.Days)
End Sub

Note that the database is updated only when the change meets the rules.

User Notifications hotel room booking tutorial sql server overlap message

Because the requested change is not allowed in some cases we need to notify the users about the reason. The Scheduler can send a custom message to the client using UpdateWithMessage() method.

DayPilotScheduler1.UpdateWithMessage("The reservation cannot overlap with an existing reservation.");

Hotel Room Filtering by Size/Type hotel room booking tutorial sql server room filtering

We add a DropDownList control just above the Scheduler control to enable room filtering.

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownListFilter" runat="server" onchange="filter('room', this.value)">
  <asp:ListItem Text="All" Value="0"></asp:ListItem>
  <asp:ListItem Text="Single" Value="1"></asp:ListItem>
  <asp:ListItem Text="Double" Value="2"></asp:ListItem>
  <asp:ListItem Text="Tripple" Value="3"></asp:ListItem>
  <asp:ListItem Text="Family" Value="4"></asp:ListItem>

The DropDownList value changes are handled using a custom JavaScript on the client side (onchange attribute). This JavaScript updates the scheduler using a fast callback refresh:

 function filter(property, value) {
     if (!dps.clientState.filter) {
         dps.clientState.filter = {};
     if (dps.clientState.filter[property] != value) { // only refresh when the value has changed
         dps.clientState.filter[property] = value;

DayPilot Scheduler has a special client-side property which is sent to the server with every callback (ClientState).

  • The selected value is stored in the clientState after every DropDownList selection change.

  • We are creating a new filter object but it can be as simple as storing the filter value in the clientState directly. However, then you wouldn't be able to store more complicated filters (state of several controls) in the clientState:

function filter(property, value) {
  dps.clientState = value;

On the server side, we need to handle Command event and refresh the room and reservation lists:


protected void DayPilotScheduler1_Command(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.CommandEventArgs e)
  switch (e.Command)
      case "refresh":
          DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = dbGetEvents(DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate, DayPilotScheduler1.Days);
      case "filter":
          DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = dbGetEvents(DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate, DayPilotScheduler1.Days);


Protected Sub DayPilotScheduler1_Command(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.CommandEventArgs)
  Select Case e.Command
    Case "refresh"
      DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = dbGetEvents(DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate, DayPilotScheduler1.Days)
    Case "filter"
      DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = dbGetEvents(DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate, DayPilotScheduler1.Days)
  End Select
End Sub

Modal Dialog (Reservation Creating and Editing)

We will use DayPilot.Modal helper to display the modal dialog: hotel room booking tutorial sql server reservation edit


  1. Copy modal.js to js directory.

  2. Copy Modal.cs to App_Code directory.

  3. Include modal.js in Default.aspx: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/modal.js"></script>

The modal dialog is invoked using a short piece of JavaScript:

new DayPilot.Modal().showUrl("Detail.aspx");

The Detail.aspx page needs to call a Modal.Close() in order to close the modal window:


protected void ButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  // do your job here


Protected Sub ButtonOK_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonOK.Click
    ' do your job here        
End Sub

In order to handle the dialog result we need to use a bit more complex JavaScript initialization:

function createEvent(start, end, resource) {
  var modal = new DayPilot.Modal();
  modal.border = "10px solid #ccc";
  modal.closed = function () {
    if (this.result == "OK") {
  modal.showUrl("New.aspx?start=" + start.toStringSortable() + "&end=" + end.toStringSortable() + "&r=" + resource);

The most important command is assigning the closed handler. This handler will check the result sent from the modal and refresh using commandCallBack() if changes were made.


protected void ButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  DateTime start = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBoxStart.Text);
  DateTime end = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBoxEnd.Text);
  string name = TextBoxName.Text;
  string resource = DropDownList1.SelectedValue;

  dbInsertEvent(start, end, name, resource, 0);
  Modal.Close(this, "OK");

protected void ButtonCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


Protected Sub ButtonOK_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
  Dim start As Date = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBoxStart.Text)
  Dim [end] As Date = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBoxEnd.Text)
  Dim name As String = TextBoxName.Text
  Dim resource As String = DropDownList1.SelectedValue

  dbInsertEvent(start, [end], name, resource, 0)
  Modal.Close(Me, "OK")
End Sub

Protected Sub ButtonCancel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub

ASP.NET Core Scheduler

To learn how to use the Scheduler component in ASP.NET Core, please see the ASP.NET Core Scheduler tutorial.

More Tutorials

See also the PHP/JavaScript version of this tutorial: 

For an Angular (TypeScript and PHP) version of the tutorial please see: 

More ASP.NET tutorials that include a sample Visual Studio project with C# and VB.NET source code.


  • June 10, 2021: Upgraded to DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms 2021.2.3798

  • September 26, 2019: Upgraded to Visual Studio 2019, SQL Server 2017, DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms 2019.3.3721

  • September 21, 2017: Upgraded to Visual Studio 2017 + SQL Server 2014, DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms 8.4

  • April 27, 2015: Visual Studio 2013, check-in time at 12:00 (noon)

  • September 17, 2013: Room status, Paid status, CSS-only styling

  • October 15, 2012: Visual Studio 2010, DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms 7.1

  • May 18, 2009: VB.NET version added

  • April 24, 2009: Initial release