Tutorials: Implementing Undo/Redo for Calendar and Scheduler Components

This is a list of tutorials that show how to implement undo/redo functionality in your scheduling application.

The implementation is based on an UndoService class the maintains a history of actions performed by the user. You can use “Undo” and “Redo” buttons to move the position in the history and revert/replay the required action to move to the desired position.

The tutorials include a sample project where the undo/redo functionality is already integrated with the calendar/scheduler component. It also shows the history (which may or may not be visible in your application) and the current position to visualize the mechanism and the current state.

React Scheduler: How to Enable Undo/Redo
React Scheduler: How to Enable Undo/Redo
The React Scheduler component can record all drag and drop actions and allow unlimited undo/redo. See how to add undo/redo buttons and display the full history.
Angular Calendar with Undo/Redo (Open-Source)
Angular Calendar with Undo/Redo (Open-Source)
This tutorial shows how to implement undo/redo functionality the for the open-source Angular Calendar component.
Angular Scheduler: Undo/Redo
Angular Scheduler: Undo/Redo
Angular tutorial that shows how to implement undo/redo functionality for the Angular Scheduler UI component.
Vue Scheduler: Undo/Redo for Drag and Drop Actions
Vue Scheduler: Undo/Redo for Drag and Drop Actions
How to add "Undo" and "Redo" buttons to the Vue Scheduler. The UndoService maintains history of changes and allows unlimited undo/redo.
JavaScript Scheduler: Undo/Redo
JavaScript Scheduler: Undo/Redo
Client-side undo/redo implementation for the JavaScript scheduler component. Displays the action history and the current position in the list.
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