
This tutorial shows how to enable custom event sorting inside ASP.NET scheduler time cells. The default sorting corresponds "start asc, end desc".

  • Custom event sorting using a dedicated database fields ("ordinal").

  • The event order can be updated by drag and drop to a new position.

  • Visual Studio 2012 Solution

  • C# and VB source code

For an introduction to using the Scheduler control please see the ASP.NET Scheduler Tutorial.


Licensed for testing and evaluation purposes. You can use the source code of the tutorial if you are a licensed user of DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms.

Sorting Scheduler Events

asp.net scheduler event sorting sql schema

This tutorial uses an SQL Server database with event stored in [event] table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[event] (
    [id]          INT          IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [name]        VARCHAR (50) NULL,
    [eventstart]  DATETIME     NOT NULL,
    [eventend]    DATETIME     NOT NULL,
    [resource_id] INT          NULL,
    [color]       VARCHAR (50) NULL,
    [ordinal]     INT          NULL,

The [ordinal] field stores the event order.

We will load the events and set the field that will be used for sorting concurrent events (EventSortExpression property).


private void SetDataSourceAndBind(DateTime start, DateTime end)
  Scheduler.DataSource = GetData(start, end);

  Scheduler.DataStartField = "eventstart";
  Scheduler.DataEndField = "eventend";
  Scheduler.DataIdField = "id";
  Scheduler.DataTextField = "name";
  Scheduler.DataResourceField = "resource_id";

  Scheduler.EventSortExpression = "ordinal";



Private Sub SetDataSourceAndBind(ByVal start As Date, ByVal [end] As Date)
  Scheduler.DataSource = GetData(start, [end])

  Scheduler.DataStartField = "eventstart"
  Scheduler.DataEndField = "eventend"
  Scheduler.DataIdField = "id"
  Scheduler.DataTextField = "name"
  Scheduler.DataResourceField = "resource_id"

  Scheduler.EventSortExpression = "ordinal"

End Sub

Drag and Drop Moving to a Specific Position in a Day Cell

asp.net scheduler event sorting drag and drop

By default, the scheduler events can by moved to a selected date and resource:

asp.net scheduler event sorting moving

We will enable moving to a specific position using EventMoveToPosition property:


Updating the Event Position

The scheduler fires the EventMove server-side event after the event is dropped at the new place.

It's necessary to recalculate the sorting field after an event is moved to a new position (in the EventMove handler).


protected void Scheduler_EventMove(object sender, EventMoveEventArgs e)
  if (e.OldResource != e.NewResource)


  SetDataSourceAndBind(Scheduler.StartDate, Scheduler.EndDate);


Protected Sub Scheduler_EventMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventMoveEventArgs)
  If e.OldResource <> e.NewResource Then
  End If


  SetDataSourceAndBind(Scheduler.StartDate, Scheduler.EndDate)

End Sub

The UpdateOldRow() method recalculates the ordinals for the original row. It's not strictly necessary but it ensures that the sort order field values are continuous.


private void UpdateOldRow(EventMoveEventArgs e)
  int thisId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Value);

  // get a block of concurrent events at the old event position
  DataTable concurrent = GetConcurrent(e.OldStart, e.OldEnd, Convert.ToInt32(e.OldResource));

  // reset the ordinals
  int i = 0;
  foreach (DataRow row in concurrent.Rows)
      int id = (int)row["id"];
      if (id == thisId)
      DbUpdateEventOrdinal(id, i);



Private Sub UpdateOldRow(ByVal e As EventMoveEventArgs)
  Dim thisId As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.Value)

  ' get a block of concurrent events at the old event position
  Dim concurrent As DataTable = GetConcurrent(e.OldStart, e.OldEnd, Convert.ToInt32(e.OldResource))

  ' reset the ordinals
  Dim i As Integer = 0
  For Each row As DataRow In concurrent.Rows
    Dim id_Renamed As Integer = DirectCast(row("id"), Integer)
    If id_Renamed = thisId Then
      Continue For
    End If
    DbUpdateEventOrdinal(id_Renamed, i)
    i += 1
  Next row

End Sub

The UpdateNewRow() method updates the moved event and resets the ordinal field in the target row.


private void UpdateNewRow(EventMoveEventArgs e)
  int thisId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Value);

  // get a list of events concurrent with the new position
  DataTable concurrent = GetConcurrent(e.NewStart, e.NewEnd, Convert.ToInt32(e.NewResource));

  // check if the event is moved within the same block of concurrent events
  int oldPosition = Position(thisId, concurrent);      

  // if the event was moved to a higher position inside the same block, adjust the position
  int newPosition = e.Position;
  if (oldPosition > -1 && oldPosition < newPosition)
      newPosition -= 1;

  // set the new resource, start, end, and position
  DbUpdateEvent(thisId, e.NewResource, e.NewStart, e.NewEnd, e.Text, newPosition);

  // reset the ordinals for all events in the block
  int i = 0;
  foreach (DataRow row in concurrent.Rows)
      int id = (int)row["id"];
      if (id == thisId)
      if (i == newPosition)

      DbUpdateEventOrdinal(id, i);

private int Position(int id, DataTable table)
  for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
      if ((int) table.Rows[i]["id"] == id)
          return i;
  return -1;


Private Sub UpdateNewRow(ByVal e As EventMoveEventArgs)
  Dim thisId As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.Value)

  ' get a list of events concurrent with the new position
  Dim concurrent As DataTable = GetConcurrent(e.NewStart, e.NewEnd, Convert.ToInt32(e.NewResource))

  ' check if the event is moved within the same block of concurrent events
  Dim oldPosition As Integer = Position(thisId, concurrent)

  ' if the event was moved to a higher position inside the same block, adjust the position
  Dim newPosition As Integer = e.Position
  If oldPosition > -1 AndAlso oldPosition < newPosition Then
    newPosition -= 1
  End If

  ' set the new resource, start, end, and position
  DbUpdateEvent(thisId, e.NewResource, e.NewStart, e.NewEnd, e.Text, newPosition)

  ' reset the ordinals for all events in the block
  Dim i As Integer = 0
  For Each row As DataRow In concurrent.Rows
    Dim id_Renamed As Integer = DirectCast(row("id"), Integer)
    If id_Renamed = thisId Then
      Continue For
    End If
    If i = newPosition Then
      i += 1
    End If

    DbUpdateEventOrdinal(id_Renamed, i)
    i += 1
  Next row

End Sub

Private Function Position(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal table As DataTable) As Integer
  For i As Integer = 0 To table.Rows.Count - 1
    If CInt(Math.Truncate(table.Rows(i)("id"))) = id Then
      Return i
    End If
  Next i
  Return -1
End Function