Calendar/Scheduler Zoom Tutorials

Learn how to implement zoom in your application when using the JavaScript Calendar or Scheduler component.

The built-in zoom feature supports quick switching between predefined zoom levels. It can be used to magnify the calendar grid or to change the timeline resolution.

Users can change the zoom level using a slider component or plus/minus buttons.

React Scheduler: Timeline Zoom
React Scheduler: Timeline Zoom
How to add a zoom feature to the React Scheduler timeline. You can change the zoom level (and timeline resolution) using a "range" control and "zoom in" and "zoom out" buttons.
JavaScript Calendar: Use the Zoom Feature to Magnify the Calendar Grid
JavaScript Calendar: Use the Zoom Feature to Magnify the Calendar Grid
You can use the zoom feature in the Calendar to define custom magnification levels. Users can zoom using a slider or the [-] and [+] buttons.
Angular Scheduler: Zoom
Angular Scheduler: Zoom
How to add a zoom feature to the Angular Scheduler component.
JavaScript Scheduler: Zoom
JavaScript Scheduler: Zoom
How to change the zoom level of the JavaScript Scheduler component in real time using a slider and (+)/(-) buttons.
JavaScript Scheduler: Switching Day/Week/Month Views
JavaScript Scheduler: Switching Day/Week/Month Views
How to define day/week/month views for the JavaScript Scheduler. The current view can be switched using custom buttons.
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